Menstrual Hygiene Day Award 2022 - Heena Mogal

   "Many women do not have access to feminine hygiene products, which can lead to shame and even dropping out of school. Donate a PAD today!"

Ink Your Words Presents:
"Menstrual  Hygiene  Day Award"

"Has made an extraordinary effort in Literary art to produce poetry from a "picture prompt" from Japan. The 44-word poem has been accepted by the wider community. We give this award certificate with great gratitude and hopefully it will be a motivation. It is given on the Menstrual Hygiene Day to contribute in the awareness that menstrual hygiene is important for good health of every woman on earth. It is only a small effort at NLHF to bring more awareness around us. MENSTRUATION IS NATURAL."

Picture Prompt: 44 word poem with a suitable Title


Memories are part of our life,
They cannot be erased but can be taken as a lesson from our past.
I still remember this train,
We used to go together with laughter and joy.
With fun and crazy jokes we cracked the whole night.

Heena Mogal


Keep Shining!