If you enjoy writing and want to improve your skills as a writer, keep the following tips in mind:
(1) Read a lot of books so that you may keep learning new terms and their meanings.
(2) You must think deeply about everything around you and attempt to write about it in detail.
(3) You must submit as much information as possible about the topic on which you wish to present your viewpoints.
(4) Continue to read books or works by your favourite author to expand your vocabulary.
(5) Try to express your opinions on a variety of topics so that you can explore your favourite topic.
(6) Join a diverse writing community to improve your writing ability.
(7) you should read your writing several times in order to improve it.
(8) care should be taken to ensure about accuracy of language and grammar.
(9) use only positive phrases to express yourself.
(10) Before writing on any subject, it's important to think through all of the other details.