Identity by Sonia Rose from Chicago

By Sonia-Rose, Chicago, Illinois, United States of America

While Sonia-Rose was completing her undergraduate studies at the University of Valley Forge, she shared spoken word poetry at youth events. After she graduated in 2018, she published more poetry on Instagram and Writco (a global community mobile app for poets and writers). Sonia-Rose lives in Chicago, Illinois. Her hobbies are creating art and exploring downtown Chicago. Her passionate writing started from the year 2014 and until today has become a well-known writer.


Americans began to value their identity. 
Now, America has a profound identity crisis. 
Hopeless identities are a product of the system's immorality. 
However, there is hope for America's identity crisis. 
Despite the impure past of this nation, the Creator of this universe created this society. 
America was created with purpose, marked by His blood, and inner transformation as a butterfly's metamorphosis. 
This nation will be rooted in the Savior's identity. 
America will receive clarity in their identity as people look to His selfless sacrifice.


*The views belong to the author alone. Moncheri Escapes, Moncheri Romance, Noel Lorenz House of Fiction does not endorse any views expressed by authors on this website.