I am Afraid of Failure - Rashmi Joshi

 "I am afraid of failure"

Yes, you are absolutely right, 

I am afraid of failure, 

maybe because I am different, 

I am not like you, 

I am different from you, 

but to tell the truth, 

I am not running away,

I'm just trying to be something like you,

I still remember today, 

some 7 years ago

I was not like you, 

I was very different, 


but I have changed,

Because more than me

the world changed me 

according to its own

This world told me I need good marks,

I still remember!

My family also often asked me to get good marks.

But still I could not fulfill their wishes

Maybe my family thought well of me 

but I used to consider them as my enemy.

I was often told that good marks 

would give me a great place in the world, 

but I had no idea that these few marks 

would change my world.

Then I went after them to get those marks for my better, 

but somewhere I went on hiding my fears. 

Today after many years you have told me about my fear, 

you have told me how innocent I remain behind the strong I look

how much fear is inside me,

more pain,

where I hide myself

now I won't say anything more

nor will I cry anymore,

because I know that,

Somewhere these tears are my strength.

©®Rashmi Joshi

Rashmi Joshi is a young Entrepreneur, Author,team motivator and designer. She is the founder of Writers_vlog which is giving platform for budding writers for better growth.