Beena Shah's Perfect Food for New Year's Eve


By Beena Sanjay Shah, Maharashtra

Everyone is looking forward to New Year's Eve and wants to ring in the new year by staying up late, so let's find out which foods are beneficial for us.

This New Year, let me discuss how I keep my food light and yet, my family can enjoy all the delicious food I offer them. So, below are some of the ideas I am sharing today. Although it's labeled 'New Year' but you can use it all year round for sure to stick to a healthy diet.

(1) We must eat food that is easily digestible, low in calories and does not make us feel bloated, as this can be harmful to our health. We must begin the new year with a clean slate, not by lying down all day with a sick face.

(2) If we eat more soup and salad, we will be able to control our weight. We can consume as much as we desire with no problems and feel lighter.

(3) Nothing beats the taste of home-cooked meals. Roti, veggies, legumes, and rice provide complete nourishment and satisfaction.

We only have to keep in mind that we're eating food for sustenance, not pleasure.

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